Our bodies are our deepest connection to the earth & humanity as a whole. Dress like the planet depends on it because it does!

*drr: delikate rayne revival is coming soon. make sure you sign up for our newsletter to be in the know*


March 11 2020 – Delikate Rayne

We have all been impacted by the unprecedented effects of COVID-19 better known as the Corona Virus. As we continue to navigate the uncertainty, the best thing we can do for ourselves and others is to continue to implement proper hygiene tactics. Which is necessary in order to slow down and eventually stop the spreading of the virus. This includes thoroughly washing your hands for at least 20 seconds a day with hot water and soap several times a day as recommended by the CDC. But what if you can't get to a spot to wash your hands though after coming into contact with surfaces in  the market, your car, on the bus, train, plane etc.? That's when a hand sanitizer will be mandatory. With the massive shortage of them on the market right now, we got to get creative. Plus save ourselves from spending the outrageous gouging taking place. Hand sanitizers are being re-sold for (10-30 times their original price!) by schemers. Fear not though, we got you covered! Using these simple steps and ingredients, with things you might already have in your home- you can whip up your own version of a cruelty-free, vegan hand sanitizer that might just save your life and someone else's. 
Keep in mind though, hand sanitizers are great for on the go but should never be used instead of hand washing when available. Washing your hands is the most EFFECTIVE way to stay germ-free. You got this, stay safe out there!




⅔ cup 99% isopropyl alcohol

⅓ cup aloe vera gel

5-7 drops of tea tree oil


1 mixing bowl
1 utensil to mix with
1 clean funnel
 1 glass bottle with a resealable lid or pump

Mix the alcohol and gel together first. Once you have it at a desirable consistency add the drops of tea tree oil to give it a nice scent and mix well. Then use the funnel to get the mixture into the bottle. Make sure you have thoroughly washed and dried the bottle (ran through a dishwasher or hand washed) prior to pouring in your sanitizer. The last thing you want to do is contaminate your concoction which would render it useless.

NOTE: Your final formula should be at least 60 percent alcohol to be effective according to the CDC. It's ideal to be higher so aim for a minimum of 75 percent. As cosmetic chemist Perry Romanowski says "if you’re looking to fill a standard eight ounce bottle of Purell with a homemade formula, 4.8 ounces of the overall eight ounces would need to be alcohol with the remaining 3.2 ounces being aloe vera gel"




12 fluid ounces of rubbing/ isopropyl alcohol

2 teaspoons of vegetable glycerol

3-5 drops of vitamin E oil

1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide

3 fluid ounces of distilled water

1 glass or reusable spray bottle

optional- a few drops of an essential oil like lemon, eucalyptus, lemon etc. to add a slight fragrance

Mix all of the ingredients together saving the fragrant essential oil to add in for the end. Pour all into the glass bottle and shake extra well. If mixture begins to separate in between uses make sure to shake bottle well again to get it formulated. boiled (then cooled) water. Also, keep in mind if you are using a lower-concentration solution of rubbing alcohol, use far less water; because at least ¾ of your final mixture has to be alcohol.




*please note that we are not professional doctors and the advice given here is solely for informational use to be used at your own discretion. It is in no way to substitute a professional diagnosis, consultation or review

Images by Yulia Gorbachenko, Google, Mtreasures, Irving Penn
Words written by Meg Vora/DR Diary Team