October 18 2024 – Delikate Rayne

When you want to improve your lifestyle, it is important to ensure that you are aware of the benefits of different food groups. For example, omega-3s are nutrients that help build and maintain a healthy body and mind. Hence, it should be essential to ensure you incorporate it into your diet!

Benefits of Omega-3s:
- Can fight depression and anxiety
- can improve eye health
- promotes brain health
- improves risk factors for heart disease
- omega-3 can reduce symptoms of ADHD
- can reduce symptoms of metabolic syndrome
- can help fight inflammation
- can help fight autoimmune diseases
- can improve mental disorders
- can improve bone and joint health
- may improve sleep
- can alleviate menstrual pain
- can benefit your skin

Omega-3 can be so beneficial for you, your body, and your overall well-being. It is
important to know what these benefits are, so you can see how they will adapt to your lifestyle!

Unfortunately, many omega-3 components are found in food items like fish, making it difficult for vegans to meet their needs. Fortunately, with the constant developments of vegan food and research, vegan-friendly foods have been identified as sources of omega-3.

Vegan Foods that contain Omega-3:

- Algal Oil:

Algal oil is a variation of oil that is derived from algae. The benefits of algal oil have been compared to seafood regarding its nutritional makeup and omega-3 delivery. This oil can be most commonly found in supplements in pharmacies, and if you can locate the liquid form, it can be added to drinks or smoothies!

- Brussel Sprouts:

Not only are brussel sprouts filled with vitamins like K, C, and fiber, but it is also a fantastic source of omega-3. How you eat brussel sprouts can also impact the omega-3 you are getting. Raw brussel sprouts tend to contain around 44 mg of the component ALA (the makeup of omega-3), and cooked brussel sprouts contain about three times that original number.

- Chia Seeds:
Chia seeds are known for their numerous health benefits, and their source of omega-3 is one. Just 1 ounce of chia seeds exceeds the recommended intake of omega-3s. You can incorporate these in your diet by making chia pudding or putting them on top of salads, yogurts, or smoothies!

- Flaxseed:

Like chia seeds, flaxseed is an excellent source of omega-3 and contains many other vitamins and benefits. In addition, flaxseed is relatively easy to incorporate into your diet and can be a great ingredient when baking vegan items.

- Hemp Seed:

Like all the previously mentioned food items, hemp seeds contain additional vitamins and are an effective source of omega-3. Around three tablespoons of hemp seeds can contain 2,600 mg of ALA. You can sprinkle hemp seeds on top of yogurt, mix it into a smoothie, or even make homemade granola bars to ensure your omega-3 intake.

- Perilla Oil:

This oil is derived from perilla seeds, often found in Korean cuisine as a condiment or cooking oil. It is an excellent source of omega; the oil is so rich in omega-3 that it makes up around 64% of the seed oil. Each tablespoon contains around 9,000 mg of ALA. To maximize the benefits of this oil, you should use it as a flavor enhancer a dressing rather than a cooking oil. In addition, this oil can also be available in capsule form!

- Walnuts:

Walnuts are loaded with healthy fats and ALA omega-3. They are actually composed of around 65% fat. Just one serving of walnuts can fulfill an entire day’s requirements of omega-3. You can incorporate these by adding them to cereal or granola or sprinkle them on top of yogurt!

Although omega-3 is most commonly associated with fish products, there are great options regarding the natural elements that offer omega-3s. Of course, omega-3s are fatty acids, and while they have health benefits, they can be high in calories, so you should eat them in moderation.

Words by: Erica Benton


Freydis Hjalmarsdottir. 17 Science-Based Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Healthline,

Rachael Link. The 7 Best Plant Sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Healthline,

Photos: Pinterest