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May 27 2021 – Delikate Rayne

Starting our DR Diary Book Club off with some cool recommendations for everyone that loves to cook plus the ones who love the idea of it but aren't quite there yet. From easy peasy beginner to full blown gold star level this is a list worth saving. Who doesn't love a female who can do it all? Female chefs are a tale as old as time but vegan chefs especially women have begun to rise exponentially. Whether you are already vegan looking for some new food in general, snack, meal, cocktail, desert etc. inspiration or just veg curious we got you. Below we introduce you to five fierce female chefs who continue to trailblaze their unique paths and who are behind some of our favorite vegan creations.

Jocelyn Ramirez
Jocelyn is the chef-owner of Todo Verde, a female lead vegan catering company in Los Angeles. She has a background in Fine Art, Design, and Business. She trained at The Matthew Kenney Culinary Institute. With a passion for food and a strong belief in providing access to healthy food for low-income communities of color, Jocelyn is also the founder of Across Our Kitchen Table. A non-profit that provides tools for women of color in the food industry to create their own business. The pandemic may have interfered with her business gaining a brick and mortar location, but Jocelyn adapted and flourished in created live online cooking classes. Her book La Vida Verde blossoms from her Mexican and South American roots to provide you with delicious comfort foods.

Find more cooking tutorials at:

Learn how to volunteer at:

Jenne Claiborne
Jenne is a Los Angeles based chef who’s turned all the souther comforts of her Atlanta upbringing to rich vegan eats. Her cookbook is perfect for beginners and teaches you a healthy life doesn’t mean any mac and cheese. An active blogger and YouTube star Jenne creates a platform of education outside of her book.

Find links to all Jenne has to offer at:

Jasmine Singer
Jasmine Singer is a swiss army knife of a woman. Former editor of VegNews, podcast host, author, actress, activist, lesbian, and vegan. Jasmine’s book Fabulous Vegan distills all her talents and knowledge into thirty recipes to jumpstart your journey. This book shows you how easy and accessible it is to pivot into a vegan lifestyle. Once you’re hooked you can continue learning from Jasmine from her weekly podcast Our Hen House which covers vegan trends, books, and other ways to make the world friendly for us and animals.

Learn more from Jasmine at:

Tracey McQuirter
Crowned the leader of the black vegan movement by The New York Times Tracey McGuire is an award-winning nutritionist with two published cookbooks. By Any Greens (2010) and Ageless Vegan (2018). Tracey offers programs where she works one on one with clients to plan meals, provide nutritional education, along with tips on how to navigate dining out and social situations where you’re the only vegan.

Work with Tracey:

Amanda Cohen
James’s Beard-nominated chef and owner of Dirt Candy in New York’s Lower East side Amanda Cohen is a trailblazer for vegetables in fine dining. Not only was her restaurant the first vegetable-forward fine dining restaurant in New York City, but she was one of the first restaurants to eliminate tipping to focus on compensating her staff properly. The Dirt Candy cookbook comes in the form of a graphic novel. Making your vegetable journey whimsical and story-driven. While keeping her restaurant running Amanda is also an active member of The Independent Restaurant correlation and presented last year at Congress on behalf of passing a stimulus bill to support restaurants during the coronavirus.

For Anyone in New York Check out Amanda’s take-out options:

Check out how you can help Independent Restaurants:



Words By Kelly Delany with additions by Meg Vora
Images via Eater, We All Grow Latina, Hachette Books, Southern Living, Jasmin Singer Twitter
Additional References: Todo Verde,  About - by Any Greens Necessary, About- Jasmine Singer, About - sweet Potato soul, Dirt Candy