It sounds almost too good to be true that you could go on a trip and be promoting sustainability, but it is in fact possible, and is the very objective of ecotourism. Ecotourism is defined as responsible traveling to and engaging in areas or attractions that focus on the natural environment. Often, ecotourism also involves helping sustain local economies and promoting indigenous cultural understanding. This type of tourism places value in local history and the natural world. Some other terms for ecotourism include nature tourism, green tourism, and mindful travel.

The goal of ecotourism is to bring together conservation efforts, leisurely enjoyment, and local communities. In order to minimize environmental impact, ecotourism facilities often aim to be ecologically sustainable. From the perspective of the business runner, ecotourism aims to generate value for local populations and the natural environment, as well as creating memorable and meaningful experiences for the visitors that help raise awareness regarding environmental, political, and social issues. The promotion and profit in turn could be used to further conservation and sustainability efforts, while also generating income for locals.
Ecotourism differs from traditional tourism in that it occurs on a much smaller, and therefore less ecologically harmful, scale. The sustainability and local connections aspect of ecotourism stands in sharp contrast to traditional mass tourism at natural attractions, which focuses solely on the pleasure and leisure of the tourist with a lack of consideration for the environment. Environmental degradation is also common at tourist “hot spots” where there is an overwhelming amount of visitors and there not enough resources to minimize impacts. Impacts include littering, environmental damage, and locals not receiving the benefits of tourism or being forced out.
Thanks to cheap flights that connect the world, ecotourism has never been more accessible. Activities in ecotourism involve engaging with and appreciating the natural world, such as hiking and observing wildlife. Supporting ecotourism also sends a message to the larger tourism industry that they must take into account more than revenue. Focus on long-term sustainability and not just short-term profits is how we can continue to enjoy the earth without damaging its wonders beyond repair.
Unfortunately, ecotourism isn’t perfect and there are some practices that unintentionally harmfully disturb the environment, such as the hidden costs of travel fuels or visitors damaging fragile environments. Thankfully, most ecotourism locations do their best to minimize their carbon footprint, including using renewable energy, limiting tour sizes, and that building materials are locally sourced. When choosing a location to visit, do your best to make sure that the attractions and hotels are not just “greenwashing” (which is pasting on the label of being sustainable while actually not following the practices) and that they are genuinely trying to help the local people and environment.
So the next time you go on vacation, and you feel like you need something different than visiting huge metropolises and cultural centers, try somewhere a little more closely connected to nature.