January 28 2021 – Delikate Rayne

3. TIME TO RELAX- There's no better way to get into the zone of rest than to fill those moments before bed with a relaxation practice. If you're known to stress or worry, picking up a practice may just be what you need. There are many different options to develop a sound mind. These practices can include: meditation, deep breathing exercises, stretching, yoga, and even ASMR practices.
4. SAY GOODNIGHT TO YOUR PHONE- Now that you're completely relaxed, it is time to say goodnight to your phone. It's known to be a bad habit to spend hours mindlessly scrolling and sleep next your phone in bed. In fact, studies show that checking your phone right before bed can lead to distracting emotions and thoughts as well as anxiety --- which are not all that great for your sleep hormones. It's recommended to discontinue screen time 30 minutes to an hour before heading off to sleep. If you still struggle after the fact, placing your phone across the room or in another room entirely could also do the trick.
5. FIND YOUR COMFORT- If you've done all the above and still can find some shut-eye, it could be due to your level of comfort. It's possibly long overdue to trade in those bed sheets or invest in a new mattress; it could also be time to invest in a new set of sleepwear. Whatever it is that's feeding into your discomfort, quality of sleep, or causing you aches at dawn is definitely past due to be replaced.
At the core, there are a numerous of reasons why we suffer from insomnia. Whether it's a new job shift or an increasingly busy life, the use of these 5 steps can be beneficial in providing you the needed assistance. However, if nothing else works for you and problems persist, it may be time to see your doctor. There could be something seriously wrong and can be treated at the hands of a professional.