April 02 2023 – Delikate Rayne

Along with its useful practices, journaling can also better your health. Journaling daily is beneficial for several reasons short-term and long-term. Below are 4 advantages of writing it down:
1. STRESS REDUCTION- While stress is never good, journaling is known to be a good stress management tool. Writing daily has been linked to lower blood pressure levels and the improvement of liver functions. Writing about your stressful experiences can help you de-stress and manage better throughout your day.
2. STRENGTHENS YOUR IMMUNITY- Journaling has been said to not only improve your immune functions but also decrease your risk of illness. It is also stated to reduce symptoms of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis as well as improve liver and lung functionality. If that's not a good reason to pick up a pen, journaling is also linked to a swifter healing process for those who are going through a hard time.
3. IMPROVES MEMORY- Writing things down will help keep your memory and comprehension strong. This is because while you're writing you're thinking of ways to describe things, focusing in on one task, recalling descriptive words, connecting stories, and increasing your proficiency to write clearer. This causes improvement in your memory capacity and cognitive processing.
4. ENHANCES EMOTIONAL FUNCTIONS- Consistent journaling can enhance your overall well-being and sense of happiness. Engaging in the habit can have long-term benefits such as becoming more mindful, structured, and adaptive, helps your brain regulate emotions, provides a greater sense of confidence and self-identity, helps to better manage personal adversities, highlights important systems and emphasizes overall growth in life.
Journaling is a great way to get creative while self-reflecting. Keeping a journal for your thoughts helps better your overall health and well-being. Keeping at the practice daily for at least 15 minutes will allow you to start seeing healthy results. So, lay hold of the benefits and relieve your mind by writing it down.
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