February 14 2023 – Delikate Rayne

While our brains are linked to everything we do, it's also important that we find ways to exercise them. Like a muscle without consistent training, our brains can weaken in ways including memory, focus, and daily functionalities. According to our sources, training your brain consistently allows its plasticity to adapt and change. As you're learning new things, you're also creating and strengthening your neural pathways and networks-- which strengthens your brain and its flexibility.
No matter what age you are, there are many practices you can do to improve the sharpness of your brain and health. Here are some brain-boosting activities to start:
Physical activities and exercises
• Learning a new skill (an instrument, language, etc.)
• Writing with the opposite hand you're used to
• Socializing
• Meditating
• Doing a jigsaw puzzle
• Playing a game of cards (solitaire, poker, etc.)
• Adding new words to your vocabulary
• Dancing
• Teaching a skill to someone
• Listening to music
• Learning new routes to usual destinations
• Focusing on others
• Focusing on your 5 senses
Although brain training games and apps are claimed to strengthen our brains and make us more intelligent, there have been debates on whether that's entirely true. However, if you're up for the challenge, you can try your hand at any of the games we've mentioned above as well as crossword puzzles, Sudoku, Queendom, Happy Neuron, and more -- according to our sources. However, if you need to power down your screen time, you can take a walk in nature, socialize with some friends, take interest in a new hobby, or even complete some crossword puzzles by hand and paper. No matter your preference, taking care of your brain comes with everlasting benefits that are essential to your overall health.
Source: Very Well Mind & Healthline
Photos via Vogue & Pinterest