April 17 2023 – Delikate Rayne

Not only has the reward method been proven to work for decades but it's also a method that makes you feel good and pushes you towards achieving your long-term goals. When creating the steps to a new goal, factoring in the appropriate reward for each milestone will help you to stay motivated and look forward to the task at hand. So, what will bring you the most joy? Whether it's something to satisfy your food cravings or your need for relaxation, treating yourself can motivate you to be more productive in getting more done, that is if it's done in moderation.

Rewarding yourself too often can make you grow accustomed to the reward which is said to make it have less of a beneficial impact. When we treat ourselves, dopamine is released and can often create very addictive emotions like that for smoking, gambling, and sex. It's crucial that you keep the rewards to a minimal, only doing them in small ways like taking a midday nap or watching an episode of your favorite show -- rather than big, extravagant or frequent gestures.
Along with frequent rewarding, choosing rewards that tarnish the efforts you put in to your goals can also push you back from ever achieving them. For example, if your goal is to lose weight and you've lose a couple pounds, rewarding yourself by overindulging on junk food will defeat the purpose and put you back at square one. Instead, opt for rewards that support your goals, like buying new workout clothes, to drive you forward.
When training a pet, are you more likely to reward them for what they did or didn't do? Often times, you are more likely to reward your pet for mastering a new trick than for not chewing up the sofa in your living room. The same should be applied when treating yourself. Rewards should train you to take action and help you build better habits. Likewise, it is said to reward situations where you can say "I have achieved..." rather than "I didn't do..."
You deserve to be rewarded for your hard work. So while you shouldn't overindulge on goodies for yourself, never taking the time to treat yourself isn't necessarily good for you either. If you're all work and no play, you're going to feel empty inside which can derail you from accomplishing anything. You'll also have to deal with burnout and lack of motivation, leading you to feel out of balance. Rewarding yourself is a powerful strategy we all should be implementing. It's beneficial not just for your mental health but for your overall well-being as well.
Source: Forward Focus Hypnotherapy & Stunning Motivation