Every day we are surrounded by miscellaneous sounds from our day-to-day activities. These sounds tend to be unimportant and do not have any evidence of healing benefits attached to them; however, the sound of crystal pyramid therapy can do wonders for you. The Crystal Pyramid therapy technique is a new generation of crystal singing instruments. The sounds these structures produce are louder, clearer, and have a longer duration than most Crystal singing bowls, with extra benefits.
What exactly is Crystal Singing Pyramid therapy?
This sound therapy technique activates the chakras within you and heightens your senses. The chakras can stimulate both the mental and physical blockages within your body, and this therapy can aid in healing them. The healing frequencies that are delivered to us through sound can transform us into a state that allows us to recover from past memories, trauma, and old patterns and habits. The healing energy of the sounds can impact the body on a cellular level which help awaken our spiritual DNA.
What are the effects and benefits?
- Harnesses your earth energy
- Amplifies your voice
- Enhances meditation and raises your vibration
- Connects with your best self
- Improves thought forms and intentions
- Creates a peaceful and grounded environment
- Heals the body’s injuries and imbalances
- Emotional cleansing
- Improves concentration and enhances work within your mental space
- Reduces stress and anxiety
- Boosts your immune system
- Assists with lowering blood pressure
- Improves your clarity on life
- Promotes the well-being of your body, mind, and soul
Where can you purchase one or listen? There are many resources available to those who are interested in this therapy. You can purchase the crystal singing pyramid on Amazon, Etsy, CVNC crystals, and more. Additionally, if you want to test this therapy out before purchasing the tools needed, you can locate the sounds of the pyramid on Youtube, GraceAberYoga, Cloud Nine Flotation, etc. The Crystal Singing Pyramid therapy allows individuals to access their best selves by reflecting on the good and the bad they have experienced. The benefits enable your ability to achieve the well-being of your body, mind, and soul, all delivered from the sound.
Words by: Erica Benton
Sources: The Crystal Singing Pyramid
The Healing Benefits of a Crystal Singing Pyramid
Photos: Pinterest