June 20 2016 – Delikate Rayne

When it comes to fashion, people- for the most part, should wear whatever they want. It should never matter what other people’s opinions are. If you love what you’re wearing, and feel great in it, then nobody should tell you otherwise. However, there are a few fashion trends that just never really made sense to me. The first (pretty popular) trend: denim overalls. Of course there’s always a few model looking type people who look good in them, but for the most part, denim overalls will always give off very strong farmer vibes to me. Next, we have the jelly shoes trend. Chances are if you shop at American Apparel you have a pair or two of these. They come in many variations- glitter, no glitter, flat, and even heeled. Whether these are worn for style or comfort- it doesn’t matter. The only people who should wear jelly shoes are ages 6 and under. Lastly, we have culottes. Culottes are huge right now- and that’s not the problem. The problem is denim culottes. They look so awkward- there are so many ways to wear denim, this should not be one of them.
Imagery via Asos, Shop Spring, Anthropologie, East Dane, Macy's Express, Go Jane, Vogue
Words written by Rachel Rusian