Our bodies are our deepest connection to the earth & humanity as a whole. Dress like the planet depends on it because it does!

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April 12 2023 – Delikate Rayne

As we've previously discussed, being in your own company can reward you in many ways such as improving your mental well-being and helping you get to know yourself better. Even though this can be the case, being alone is not always positive and can also lead to feelings of emptiness and isolation. Loneliness can best be described as a state of being alone and feeling sad about it. Many people have experienced it, especially during the holiday season and now that we are in a pandemic. Loneliness not properly managed can go on to effect not only the wiring of minds but our behaviors and physical bodies as well.

Researchers have found that social isolation and loneliness can increase depression and anxiety symptoms, blood pressure, and risk of heart disease and obesity, weaken our immune systems, damage our sleep quality, and lead to way more serious diseases and even death. Feeling lonely is inevitable in a time like now, but it's essential that we take care of our emotions and implement healthy practices in our down time to better cope while the time being.

Here are a few strategies we recommend for coping with feelings of being isolated:

GETTING A PET - As they are great companions and connect you to a community of pet owners
STRENGTHENING YOUR RELATIONSHIPS - Whether it's calling up a friend more often or going out more (practicing COVID-19 safety guidelines, of course), this can greatly reduce symptoms of loneliness

FINDING SUPPORT ONLINE - There are many people you can connect with, so be aware. The internet can be a great tool for form long-lasting friendships with great people

STEPPING AWAY FROM SOCIAL MEDIA - Using social media to connect with others can be great, but scrolling and absorbing the edited lives of others can leave you feeling even more isolated and lonely; take a step back and do something you actually enjoy

VOLUNTEERING - Not only are you supporting a cause you believe in but you get to meet new people and create new experiences as part of a group. With that you will also gain a sense of purpose and satisfaction for life

JOINING A CLASS - Taking up a new hobby and joining a class connects you to a community of people who share an interest with you, whether it's dance, yoga, or art

SEEKING PROFESSIONAL HELP - If you are experiencing loneliness, even in these social settings, it may be time to speak to a professional as they can help you to shift your thoughts, actions, and help you to feel better connected

Source: Very Well Mind, Medical News Today, National Institute on Aging, & Vocabulary
Photos via Art Partner by Glen Luchford & Vogue by Janelle Okwodu