June 16 2016 – Delikate Rayne

Want to get in touch with your animal side? Well there’s no better time to get rawr than during Animal Rights Awareness Week this June 19-26.
Here at DR we’ll take any excuse to travel and travel in the name of animal rights awareness is a pretty good excuse if you ask us.

One way to travel the world in the name of animal rights awareness is to join an expedition with the folks over at Earthwatch. Passionate animal lovers from all over the globe unite to protect our planet and it’s species on Earthwatch expeditions. Just pick a region and a date and you could be off saving the planet while experiencing the wonders of the world just like animal lovers who have joined Earthwatch to;

- Conserve endangered Rhinos in South Africa
- Monitor Ocelots in Trinidad
- Conserve Wild Bees and other pollinators of Costa Rica
- Protect Whooping Cranes and coastal habitats in Texas
- Conserve Tiger and Elephant habitat in India

Wanna get rawr? Head over to www.earthwatch.org/expeditions to find out more.
Imagery via Vogue, Harper's Bazaar US, Chelsey Crafts, Tumblr