February 22 2023 – Delikate Rayne

Emotions are said to be the carrier waves of our feelings which are meant to be felt and released rather than stored away and suppressed. As human beings, we are emotional creatures who were born to freely express our emotions. However, for many years, we've taught ourselves how to repress our negative emotions in order to fit in and feel accepted. We often do this in hopes the feelings would fade away on their own but soon realize that repressing our emotions only traps them in our body --which is where they are said to be build and fester, drain our energy, lead to burnout, emotional imbalance, and eventually disease, creating only toxicity in our body, mind, and heart.

To release these emotions, one must first recognize the emotion and feel it in their body, being mindful to notice what is happening within the body, accept it, and feel it fully, without judgment. Then, one must express the emotions in order to process them. This allows the negative energy to move throughout the body, giving us the freedom to let it go. After this, it's essential that one realigns back with their authentic self, resetting back to a relaxed and open state, and coming back into wellness and balance. This could mean slowing down and spending time alone, cooking, napping, or cleansing the mind by simply meditating.
Our emotions are a collection of two powerful elements: cognitions (which is what we see, feel, and experience) and our feelings and how we choose to react. Learning to turn our negative emotions into those that are positive is said to bring about better personal resources for dealing with times of crisis. This further proves that our emotions, can in fact, create our reality.
As we take in new experiences, dreams, and sceneries, they are, then, stored in our brain with certain emotions. We are often said to be influenced by our neurotransmitters, but they are actually what creates our emotions. According to our sources, there are three main neurotransmitters related to our emotions:
• Dopamine - relates to pleasure and reward experiences where we do something good
• Serotonin - associated with memory and learning; imbalanced levels are said to increase anger, anxiety, depression, and panic
• Norepinephrine - which adequate levels keep stress and anxiety levels under control
Although we should freely ride the wave of our emotions, we should always look for ways to create more positive ones. Sadness and negative emotions are said to linger a lot longer than intense happiness. So, do more of the things you love or try something you've always wanted to try --as positive emotions can help build us up instead of block us from moving forward when we face trouble. Every second of the day, you have the choice to redirect your emotional energy. In any situation, you have the opportunity to channel your feelings and transform your life. So, why not channel those feel-good feelings instead? The good news is you get to decide!
Source: Exploring Your Mind, Authenticity Associates, & PACEsConnection