June 21 2023 – Delikate Rayne

As many consumers become more aware of the current environmental crisis and the contributions of the fashion industry, many are starting to shift from their favorite brands to more ethical and sustainable ones. Not only is sustainability in the fashion industry making headway, there's a new term being coined to describe the next step in creating social and environmental justice -- that is 'climate positivity'. This phrase was best described as an activity going beyond achieving net zero carbon emissions by removing additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to benefit the environment.
Climate positivity is believed to offer scalable solutions and allow us to be one with nature once more. Seeming how sustainable fashion has gone mainstream as majority of brands are claiming to be or greenwashing consumers to believe, the word 'sustainable' is starting to lose its real meaning. The climate positivity movement, instead of staying on the surface, is aspiring to get to the root of the environmental problem -- and we, as a collective, can achieve this by practicing the following:

Bringing awareness and implying the sustainable practices of indigenous people who value working with land than against it: The industry has been known for appropriation issues and should work to collaborate with indigenous people on eco-friendly solutions, giving them representation and the recognition they deserve.
• Purchasing less stuff: This helps in ways not only to the state of our environment but in destroying our developed belief that constant consumption equals fulfillment and happiness.
• Reconsidering how we look at waste: To create a more circular industry, waste should never be viewed as waste but an opportunity for repurpose.
• Investing in quality materials: Synthetic fibers are known for shedding microplastics which are being ingested by all living things. It is known to take plastic up to 450 years to decompose while natural alternatives can begin breaking down within weeks. It is reported to be crucial to know the products you are investing in so brands can develop recycling programs as well as inspire the unaware consumer to repair, rewear, and repurpose their already own products to prolong the life cycle as long as possible.
• Collaborating for innovation: Brands should strive to collaborate to create opportunities to develop new paths for creativity and innovation. It ensures that actual solutions will be generated for these critical conditions we currently encounter today.
Climate positivity goes beyond than just being 'less bad' for the planet; it promises to positively make a difference in it as well. So, what products are you investing in? Do you believe you're making a positive, negative, or neutral mark on the planet? Wherever you may stand on the matter, we can probably agree that more needs to be done to see progress in the industry.
Source: I-D & Fashionista
Photos via Pinterest (Stacey Robbins & Zefinka)