November 21 2024 – Delikate Rayne

clarifying what you might need in a relationship and the best way to overcome any issues you might face.

1. Anxious/Preoccupied):
Those with an anxious attachment style often view their partners as their better half or the thing that makes them complete. In all aspects, the mere thought of living without their partner can cause high levels of anxiety. In addition, those with this attachment style often seek approval, support, and responsiveness from their partner. A strong sense of abandonment is present, and safety is a priority. Being compassionate, and giving your partner attention, care, and responsiveness is imperative and can be seen as a ‘remedy’ to anxiety. This attachment style craves emotional intimacy.
2. Avoidant/ Dismissive:
This attachment style often consists of those who might view themselves as loners, strong, independent, and self-sufficient concerning their emotional level. They usually have high self-esteem and a relatively positive perception of themselves. In addition, they do not like to depend on others and vice versa, and they do not tend to seek support or approval in social relationships. They typically avoid emotional closeness and might suppress their feelings when faced with an emotionally-dense situation.
3. Disorganized/ Fearful-Avoidant:
In relationships, this attachment style often finds themselves partaking in ambiguous and possibly unstable behaviors. The partner and the relationship are perceived as the source of both desire and fear. They want the ability to experience intimacy, but they might experience trouble trusting others. In addition, their emotions are not known to be regulated, and they might avoid a potentially strong emotional attachment to save themselves from being hurt.
4. Secure Attachment:
Words by: Erica Benton
Attachment Project,
Photos: Pinterest