April 27 2016 – Delikate Rayne
Being the best and most beautiful version of your unique self starts with proper nutrition. The most optimal way we have found to make sure we are getting these vital nutrients in on a daily basis is by enjoying a green smoothie first thing in the AM.
Theres so many recipes out there! But this recipe from named "the green GiGi" is absolutely one of our favorites. It's full to capacity with nutrient dense greens and some super food add-ons.
Its a great way to sneak in those veggies and with the herbs thrown in there too its perfect for on going detoxification especially if like us you lead an adventurous lifestyle ;) Having this "elixir of life" first thing in the morning is sure to not only get you motivated but keep you there for the rest of the day!
2.Add in the avocado and ice and blend until smooth. Pour and enjoy!

Imagery via Wellandgood, Twelth-Avenue and Daily Mail UK
Original recipe created by Gina Ragnone
Words written by Melanie Coggin